
Pray for the Intercession of Padre Pio

“Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s heart.” To Padre Pio, prayer was a sacred, powerful, and healing practice. Today, thousands of people pray for Padre Pio’s intercession in their intentions and travel to the National Centre for Padre Pio to light their own prayer candles.

Light a Candle

light candle

Light a candle

No matter where you are, you can offer a prayer candle to Padre Pio.

Get Started

light candle

Prayer to Saint Pio

This simple, powerful prayer invokes the intercession of Padre Pio.

Read Prayer

light candle

Submit an Intention

Your intention will be printed, prayed over by a priest, and placed with a first-class relic of
Padre Pio.

Share Intention

light candle

Efficacious Novena

Padre Pio recited this novena every day for all those who requested his prayers.

Pray the Novena

light candle

Prayer from Pope St. John Paul II

Pray Now

light candle

Devotion to St. Michael the Archangel

Padre Pio instructed penitents to pray for the protection of St. Michael.

Pray to St. Michael

Visit the Centre

visit centre

Plan your group pilgrimage or individual visit to the National Centre for Padre Pio.


Padre Pio’s Story

padre pio statue

Padre Pio dedicated his life to loving God—on the Altar, in the Confessional, and in the community.

Read More

Light A Candle

light a candle

Brighten the Centre’s votive candle garden with your prayers and intentions.


Due to the impending inclement weather, the Centre is CLOSED on Thursday, February 6, 2025. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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